Glass almond brittle

Prep time: 2 mins     Cook time: 10 mins

Extremely easy recipe for brittle with almonds in hard caramel - serve with soft deserts, crushed on ice cream or add more almonds and keep it as a snack.

100 g white sugar (check the V on the label to make sure that sugar is vegan) 
3 Tbsp sliced almonds

1. Toast the almonds on a frying pan until they become sun-kissed colour.
2. Cut a square of parchment paper and place it on a metal baking tray or on a marble slab. Keep to your side.
3. Add sugar to a wide heavy-bottomed pan and start heating up the sugar. DO NOT get the temptation to stir with a spoon or whisk. WATCH the pan carefully. 
4. When the sugar starts melting you can help it melting evenly by shaking the pan and swirling the sugar in the pan. Pay attention for it not to become too dark - you want to achieve a medium amber colour. The darker it becomes, the more bitter it will taste. 
5. As soon as the sugar is completely liquidised, tip in the almonds. Mix very quickly - DO NOT TOUCH THE CARAMEL as it is extremely hot and it will burn you. The mixture will start hardening - tip it onto the prepared baking parchment on a cold marble slab or metal tray and spread it with a metal spatula to create a thin layer. Using a knife cut into strips whilst the caramel is still warm (and therefore manageable to shape) or leave for a couple of minutes to cool completely and break into smaller shapes.
6. Keep in an airtight container and store in a dark dry place. Humidity will make the brittle sticky.