Indulgent caramel brownies

Prep time: 30 mins     Bake time: 30 mins
Makes: 20 - 24 slices

These are the ultimate best ever dark chocolate brownies with a layer of beautiful caramel on the top. I will have to be honest here - they are not the healthiest... :-) yet again you will be reaching for another slice! Difficult to resist - these brownies a definitely a showstopper and a must in your recipe collection.
You can make a little twist by adding a little pinch of salt to the caramel sauce to give it another layer of flavour and make them into salted caramel brownies!

Caramel sauce:
200 g sugar
120 ml heavy cream
120 ml sour cream
1 tsp vanilla paste (or essence)
1/2 tsp salt (optional)

225 g unsalted butter
300 g chocolate (I use 65% cocoa)
150 g plain flour
30 g cocoa
pinch of salt
250 g caster sugar
100 g light brown soft sugar
5 eggs
2 tsp vanilla paste (or essence)

1. Start with making the caramel sauce: place the sugar in a heavy-bottomed pan and put in the heat. Do not stir!! Let the sugar melt, you can swirl it around a little so it melts evenly but try to resist the urge to stir. It will crystalize.
Keep a watchful eye on the sugar and remember it'll reach about 180*C. Allow it to change the colour to dark amber. It will take about 8-10 mins.
2. Take it off the heat and work quickly: add the heavy cream and whisk it is. It will bubble and splatter. Add the sour cream and whisk. Add the vanilla paste (and salt, if making the salted caramel). Return to heat and allow to simmer for another 2 mins or so to thicken up. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
3. Heat the oven up to 160*C and line a baking tray (about 20 x 25 cm) with parchment paper.
4. For the brownies: Melt butter and chocolate in a large bowl over in bain-marie.
5. Mix flour cocoa and salt.
6. Add the sugars to melted chocolate mixture. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Cool for a couple of minutes.
7. Whisk in eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add vanilla paste and flour mix.
8. Pour the brownie batter into the baking tray and spread evenly. Now spoon the caramel in lines over the brownie batter and swirl around to make a pattern. I use a wooden chopstick and follow the swirl (you can use a knife for example).
9. Put in the middle of the oven and bake 30 to 40 mins. If you want it gooey - stick to 30 mins. Remember - it'll still cook after coming out of the oven and you do not want the brownies to be too dry.
10. Take out of the oven and leave in the baking tray to cool on the cooling rack.
11. Cut into squares or triangles and enjoy!!
